Located at the Tollesboro Lions Club Fairgrounds and Community Park, KY 10, KY 9 ("AA" Hwy), and the Lions Club Road, Tollesboro, Lewis County, Kentucky.
Above: Lion Larry Tucker honored in 2018 for 50 years of membership in the Tollesboro Lions Club.
The photo to the left likely dates to the early or mid 1970s and shows Lion Mack Wright (in clown costume) and Lion Elmo Gillespie (in long black coat) at an early fund-raiser put on by the Tollesboro Lions Club. These two individuals were charter members of the Tollesboro Lions Club and the only two members who were members for 50 years (Elmo a member until his passing in 2004, during his 50th year of membership, and Mack a member until his death in 2015, 61 years a member!!!
The following photos are from the 2014 Lions Club Fair (NOTE: Most of the following photos on this page were taken by Jennifer Meadows and/or Amanda Hawkins and were taken from the Tollesboro Lions Club Facebook page):
The following photos are from the 2012 Tollesboro Lions Club Fair:
The following photos are from the 2011 Tollesboro Lions Club Fair:
The following photos are from the 2010 Tollesboro Lions Club Fair:
The following photos are from the 2013 Lions Club Fair:
The following photos are from the 2004 Tollesboro Lions Club Fair and the 2004 Fun Horse Show:
The following photos were taken at the Tollesboro Lions Club 50th Anniversary Celebration held April 30, 2004. Lion Club President Craig A. Stanfield presided over the ceremonial meeting/dinner which was held at the Tollesboro Christian Church Family Life Center and with members in attendance not only from the Tolllesboro Lions Club, but from the Vanceburg Lions Club (which sponsored our club in 1954), the Orangeburg Lions Club, the Maysville Lions Club and the Mays Lick Lions Club, as well as District Governor Jim Archey of Greenup County, and which was attended by members and spouses and guests of the various clubs as well as our long-time cooks. The meal was prepared and served by Bev's Catering. During the ceremony, Charter Member Samuel M. "Mack" Wright presented the Lion President Craig A. Stanfield with a gavel commemorating the event and the President gave out commemorative medallions to each member of the Tollesboro Club in attendance as a souvenir with which to commemorate the event.
Click on the thumbnail images below to enlarge!
VIDEOS!!! CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINKS TO ACCESS SOME VIDEOS (available on YouTube) of some of our past Fair Events (Note: Please note that not all of the videos were not taken by members of the Tollesboro Lions Club, were not professionally filmed and were not necessarily edited for content. Videos were taken in "live" action events by non-professional bystanders who posted the videos online. Some of the videos may include profanity by members of the audience who may not have known the videos would be posted):
Tractor Speed Pull Event (from 2012):
Tractor Trailer Speed Pull Event (from 2011):
Diesel Pickup Speed Pull Event (from 2010):
ATV Mud Sling Event (from 2011):
Mud Race Event (from 2011):
Mule Race Event (from 2009);
Horse Show Event (from 2010):
Garden Tractor Pull (from 2013):
Motorcross Obstacle Course Race (from 2013):
Round Track Racing Video 1, 2015 Fair:
Round Track Racing Video 2, 2015 Fair:
2015 Mule Race Video #1:
2015 Mule Race # 2:
2019 Horse Pull Video (if link doesn't function, copy and paste URL to search engine):
A Festivity of Food, Fellowship, Friendship, Fun and even Family!
A great way to spend an evening with fellow Lions!
Our Photo Gallery Page is full. Therefore for more recent photos, click on the following link to our Facebook page to see thousands of photos (however our Facebook page typically only includes more recent photos during our annual fair. There are some photos on this page that pre-date those shown on the Facebook page. ALSO be sure to check out the History of the Tollesboro Lions Club page for additional photos):